Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Ramadhan Mubarak (belated)

OK first of all just want to say that the M66 sucks big time, last week (think it was the Thursday, do you blame me for forgetting?lol!) I spent not one not two but THREE whole hours trying to get home from work instead of a 40 minute journey because the damn motorway had been closed! It was a standstill and I ended up lying down on the grass verge just cursing the imbecilic behaviour of the madman that caused the crash. Arggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggh!

OK second rant….. hands up who fasted on Saturday, and who on Sunday… and if applicable who on Monday… Come on mosque hierarchy get a grip and make decisions collectively, we see this every year ! Our mosque declared the first roza on Sunday but then us lot watching the news on the Friday heard that the moon had been sighted. So I fasted on Saturday – even though we turned out to be the only people in our town fast a day early.

And final rant - who designed plastic engine undertrays with screws and push in clips? My bechari Paro had hers scraping the ground all the way to Coventry yesterday and I jus couldn’t get to it to clip in… and on the way back had to go Brum and get it sorted out there….. Oh well still got to see the Ramadhan rush on Pakistan’s Alum Rock Road – as if there’s any joy in that lol!

Regardless of that – Ramadhan Mubarak everyone!

Its doing wonders for my quit smoking campaign. I had cut down to five a day….. now I’m on two a day. By the end of rozay inshallah I’ll be clean.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Where has everybody disappeared to? Vaapas AAooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

New York

(repeat 3 times)

There isn't another like it.
No matter where you go.
And nobody can compare it.
It's win and place and show.
New York is special.
New York is diff'rent' cause there's no place else
on earth quite like New York and that's why

(repeat 3 times)
Yep you've guessed it ....... i'm going New York in Novemberrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(if immigration let me in)

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Radio check

I am feeling so bloated after having this massive tuna mayo cheese beans spud *burrrrrrrrrrrrrp* lol

Well yesterday on my way to work I decided to ring up and enter this competition on the radio. Its an asian station (and I got the answer right btw) and the presenter was a young sounding female northerner. I rang off air, but as soon as I spoke to her, her penetrating voice started sounding really familiar and it wasn’t long before I realised it was almost identical to one of my mates from years ago.

Anyways it wasn’t my mate but we had a funny conversation:

Her: ‘Acchaaaa so that’s your answer? *Chuckles* So whats your name?’
Me: ‘ &”%%^’
Her: ‘Where are you calling from?’
Me: ‘From a traffic jam on the M**’
Her: ‘*chuckling away* nahin not the motorway, where you from?’
Me: ‘£$$$$$$$’
Her: ‘And how old are you, &”%%^’
Me: ‘And why would you wanna know that for?’ (in a very surprised manner)
Her: ‘Because I want to marry you, why else you muppet?!’

Ok, she was asking my age for statistical purposes but funnily enough she managed to guess my new age… but she still ended getting my name slightly wrong on air.

Then this morning I decided to ring her again seeing as she’d put me in such a chirpy mood yesterday. And she’d also been discussing her encounter with a spider the night before…

Her: ‘Hi, who’s calling’
Me: ‘It’s &”%%^’
Her: ‘And how old are you &”%%^
Me: ‘What, you asking me again? You forgotten? *chuckles*
Her: ‘Oh its you ! You said your birthday was this week… *chuckles*

Her: ‘ ‘Oh &”%%^ you wouldn’t believe that tarantula I saw yesterday it was f**king massive!’

As she began chatting away I began to wonder… does this girl not have a show to present? Not that I wasn’t enjoying taking the mick out of her encounter (I told her she shud’ve killed the tarantula with a fish slice or her chappal and framed its remains to warn off any others in the future!)

And then she said ‘hold on’, I heard the song on the radio being played and then she introduced me on air! I wasn’t hanging around, and quickly hung up!

Before I got into work I did ring her back and said ‘unlucky’. She said she’d get me back next time… Pagal kuri… that’s why I want to meet to meet a chirpy cheerful girl, someone who doesn’t fret.

OK time for my third fag of the day! (Aren’t I good?)

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


I has decided that i is quitting fags for goooood. It is makig me well unhealthy, seeeeeeeen!

Friday, September 01, 2006

A new member

Welcome to a new member of the singles family - me. I remember how BBCD used to talk about her difficulties in finding someone suitable for her. And today i find myself in teh same boat.

People are not always what they seem.